10 Lokasi Surfing Terbaik di Dunia

Senin, 30 April 2012 0 komentar

Surfing atau berselancar tanpa ombak yang bagus, tentunya membuat para surfer seperti kehilangan kreatifitas. Dan pastinya surfer di seluruh dunia akan mencari lokasi surfing yang mempunyai kriteria sesuai dengan keinginan para surfer.

Berikut 10 lokasi surfing terbaik di dunia yang bisa dijadikan sebagai referensi bagi para surfer di seluruh dunia.

1.Gold Coast, Australia

Tidak bisa dipungkiri bahwa Australia mempunyai banyak sekali pantai dan ombak terbaik yang sangat cocok bagi seorang surfer. Kota Gold Coast berlokasi di sebelah tenggara Queensland dan terkenal dengan iklim tropis, pantai-pantai terkenal, dan sistem kanalnya. Meskipun biaya yang harus dikeluarkan cukup mahal, Goald Coast merupakan tempat wisata yang luar biasa.

2. Kepulauan Mentawai, Indonesia

Kepulauan Mentawai terkenal akan aliran ombak menawannya yang terus mengalir tanpa henti. Mentawai menjadi tujuan favorit surfer di seluruh dunia dikarenakan pantai dan ombaknya yang membuat adrenalin semakin meningkat.  

Pergilah ke Mentawai pada bulan Maret sampai Oktober , tapi perlu diperhatikan juga kalau ingin menemukan ombak yang sangat bagus, datanglah pada bulan Juni sampai September.

3. Jeffreys Bay, Afrika Selatan

Jeffreys Bay yang terletak tidak jauh dari Bandara Elizabeth, Afrika Selatan merupakan salah satu lokasi terkenal di dunia untuk surfing. Pada bulan Juni, Juli, dan Agustus akan banyak ditemui surfer dari seluruh penjuru dunia berkumpul di teluk ini untuk menaklukkan ombak yang ada di lokasi tersebut.

4. Fuerteventura, Spanyol

Fuerteventura sudah seperti Makkah-nya para surfer dari penjuru dunia. Temperatur disini paling rendah 18 °C dan paling tinggi 24 °C . Para surfer sangat senang bila mengunjungi pulau ini dikarenakan cuacanya yang bersahabat, tapi mereka lebih senang untuk dating pada bulan Oktober sampai Maret.

5. El Salvador

El Salvador adalah pembatas samudera pasifik antara Guatemala dengan Honduras. Negara ini menjadi objek wisata favorit wisatawan dari seluruh dunia, khususnya para penggemar surfing. Lokasi-lokasi yang menjadi tempat favorit untuk berseluncur adalah El Zonte, Sunzal, dan La Libertad. Kenapa? Karena tempat-tempat tersebut sangat jauh dari keramaian.

6. Costa Rica

Republik Kosta Rika adalah tempat legendaris untuk surfing. Kebanyakan para surfer professional sering datang kesini  dikarenakan ombak-ombak yang sempurna selalu datang secara konsisten di beberapa lokasi surfing. Alunan ombak yang datang biasanya terjadi pada bulan April sampai akhir Oktober.  

7. California, Amerika Utara

California adalah tujuan yang tepat bagi para surfer yang ingin menaklukkan ombak di Amerika bagian Utara. Bagi para pemburu ombak raksasa, datangilah pegunungan Maverick pada saat musim dingin. Atau jika hanya ingin menaklukkan ombak bagus tapi bukan ombak yang berukuran raksasa, pilihlah tempat antara Santa Cruz dan Half Moon Bay. Jangan tinggalkan juga tempat seperti Malibu, Steamer Lane, dan Rincon.

8. Bali, Indonesia

Tidak banyak orang yang tidak mengenal Bali saat ini, hampir semua orang tahu akan Bali. Bali merupakan tujuan favorit bagi para wisatawan domestik maupun mancanegara. Tidak sedikit juga yang tahu kalau Bali merupakan pulau favorit bagi para surfer. Lokasi paling sempurna untuk surfing adalah area disekitar Bukit Peninsular, seperti Pantai Kuta, Pantai Dreamland, dan Uluwatu. Ombak setinggi 12 kaki akan secara konsisten datang pada bulan April sampai dengan November.

9. Santa Catarina, Brazil

Di sebelah selatan Brazil, pulau Santa Catarina menjadi tempat yang paling sering dikunjungi dikarenakan banyak dijumpai resort-resort di pinggir pantai di daerah ini. Santinho dan Mocambique menjadi tempat yang paling konsisten datangnya ombak-ombak yang sangat besar.   

10. Samoa

Samoa adalah bagian dari kepulauan Samoa, yang terletak di sebelah selatan Samudera Pasifik, tepatnya di sebelah utara Fiji. Samoa merupakan tujuan favorit bagi para surfer, dimana tempat ini menawarkan kebudayaan Polynesia, air yang hangat, sebuah pulau tropis, dan ombak-ombak berkualitas yang datang secara konsisten. 

My Future Plan to Bali

Minggu, 29 April 2012 0 komentar

Planning to Bali is being my my routinity when I would have holiday. I don’t know why, Bali is still my favourite place for spending my holiday, even though I have gone there very often. So this year or next time I have a spare time I will go to Bali, and I have created the trip plan to Bali. I have never spent my holiday in Bali more than 3 days, so I just plan 3 days during in Bali.

As usual, I will go by plane to Bali. The flight only takes 1,5 hours from Jakarta. Then after get out of the plane, I will find taxi and search a resort for I’m staying at for 3 nights. Maybe a resort in Ubud is a good choice, because I love to stay on a calm and peace location.   

For the first plan, my early destination in Bali is Pura Besakih or Mother Temple of Besakih in English. Pura Besakih location is in the village of Besakih on the slopes of Mount Agung in eastern Bali. It is the most important, the largest and holiest temple of Hindu religion in Bali, Indonesia, and one of a series of Balinese temples. For me Pura Besakih is one of the best attraction in Bali, I had so many beautiful moment during at here.

My next trip is to Bedugul Botanical Garden. This botanical garden is far enough from Pura Besakih. Maybe it would take 2 hours trip to Bedugul Botanical Garden by car or taxi. For the information, Bedugul Botanical Garden or Kebun Raya Eka Karya is the huge tropical garden located in Bedugul, plateau area in Bali. It is situated in the cool atmosphere with rain forest and hill surrounds it. 

That is my trip plan on the first day.

On the second day, I have made a plan to visit 4 different locations. Firstly  am visiting Sangeh Monkey Park, and the last is Tanah Lot to see beautiful sunset sight.  The places that I will spend much time maybe when I am at The Blanco Renaissance Museum and Biasa ART Space.

Then for the third day, in at 06:00 am I must depart from my resort. Because this day I will take much time in each location. First destination of this day is Tanjung Benoa to see people who are doing water sport activities. Garuda Wisnu Cultural Park as the next destination, and 2 last location to spend this day are Dreamland Beach and Kuta Beach.  

Actually, Bali has a lot of great attractions, and I will never bored to be in Bali.

7 Travel Planning Tips

Senin, 23 April 2012 0 komentar

Half the fun of traveling is in the planning. Following the process outlined below can ensure you receive the maximum pleasure for your time and money. These travel  planning tips will help you get a handle on the things you need to consider.

1. Determining the Parameters
Before you go to the some attractions you must determine some parameters that you have to consider, such as budget, time, level of accommodation and food that will satisfy you, number of suits you want to bring, travel insurance, and travel partners.

2. Deciding the Destination
If you want to get travelling, you must have the destination and attraction you will visit to. Find the ideas from friends, books, magazines, internet, travel agents then you save it into your note. You must also learn about the attraction, do not go there if you don’t like it after learning the information.

3. Planning the Specific Trip
Start six months before your departure. Revisit the sources you used when deciding where to go and look for more specific information such as history, culture, architecture, foods, geography, key points of interest, money matters, shopping, transportation, etc. Obtain maps, transportation schedules, and costs for your itinerary.

4. Determining the Itinerary
After choosing the destination and attractions, just try to create the itinerary. Write it into your note detailly. Write down where the first attraction you want to visit, how to get the attraction (by bus or train), and give yourself enough time to get what you want from each destination.

5. Organise the Documents
Before holding the travelling, make sure you have an up to date passport, that will be up to date for the duration of your trip. Check visa requirements for the country you are travelling to. Some countries require that you arrange a visa before you leave home, while others will grant a tourist visa when you land. Make sure you have a suitable travel insurance organised.

6. Look After the Finances
Find out what currency you will need and figure out the best way for you to deal with it. Credit cards can be convenient, but also unsafe in a lot of areas. Travellers cheques are a good safe alternative.
7. Stay in Touch
Take an address book with you, with all the important contacts in it. Check on any foreign phone codes and write them in your address book. Before you start your trip, make sure you let people know that you will be away and how they can contact you while you're away. If you don't have an email address that you can check on the road, you can set up one through Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail to keep an online diary or blog of your travels and have your friends and family send you messages through our internal messaging system.

Suku Himba : Kecantikan Yang Menyala

Rabu, 18 April 2012 0 komentar

Di area utara Namibia, tepatnya di daerah Kunene, tinggal suku Himba yang sangat memperhatikan unsure keindahan. Sejak lahir, para bayi diberikan kalung mutiara, yang akan diganti dengan kalung tembaga dan kerang kecil seiring bertambahnya usia. Perhiasan ini merupakan kerajinan khas yang menjadi bagian penting dari budaya suku Himba. Meskipun masih primitive, suku ini sudah biasa berinteraksi dengan dunia luar. Sejumlah anak bahkan dapat membaca dan menulis. Memang hamper seluruh anggota suku masih bertahan dengan pakaian tradisional, yaitu topless dengan cawat dari kulit untuk menutupi bagian bawah, namun segelintir pria telah mengadaptasi pakaian modern.

The ladies start the day with a few hours of morning ”beauty ritual” . Mereka mengoleskan campuran lemak mentega dengan mineral khusus berwarna merah serta wewangian dari daun semak ke sekujur tubuhnya. Selain sebagai tabir surya dan pengusir serangga, krim ini membuat kulit terlihat berkilau kemerahan, symbol dari warna tanah yang kaya dan darah yang merupakan representasi kehidupan. Rambut mereka dikepang kecil dan turut dilapisi campuran mineral hingga kaku dan kecoklatan. Rambut wanita yang sudah menikah disibak ke belakang dan memiliki hiasan kulit bagian atas, sementara kepangan rambut anak perempuan yang menginjak masa puber dibuat menutupi wajah.

Sebagai suku monoteis, suku Himba menyembah Mukuru sebagai dewa yang dipercaya memberikan berkah. Jika dewa tersebut sedang tidak dapat menjawab mereka, arwah nenek moyang akan menjadi perwakilan Mukuru. Suku Himba hidup secara semi-nomaden sambil beternak. Setiap desa dipimpin oleh tetua pria dan terdiri dari keluarga besar. Pembagian kerja antara pria dan wanita cukup berbeda dari suku lainnya. Selain mengurus para anak kecil, wanita Himba banyak melakukan pekerjaan berat seperti membangun rumah dan mencari kayu. Urusan politik dan hukumlah yang diserahkan pada kaum pria. Keunikan suku Himba lainnya adalah system keturunan yang bilateral demi bertahan hidup dari kondisi alam yang keras. Setiap orang merupakan anggota dari dua klan yaitu klan ibu dan ayahnya, sehingga ada dua pihak yang dapat diandalkan dalam keadaan darurat.


Romantic Places in Bali

Minggu, 15 April 2012 0 komentar

Bali is being one of the romantic island in the world. When couples always come to Bali for their holiday or honeymoon. Bali provides so many beautiful attractions to be visited for romantic couple. From the temples, beaches and museums, everything will be a best places for couples. Even you can directly see romantic places in Bali wherever you stand up. Many tourist said that wherever you are, you will see romantic place at each corner.

Where are the most  popular romantic places in Bali? Here are some suitable romantic places in Bali for couples. I will split it into two days, hope it may be a good recommendation for you.

First day, You can go to Nusa Dua Beach. For couples who don’t like noisy, Nusa Dua is the best romantic place you have to visit. The beach especially, you will feel like on private beach. The enclave is an idyllic place for honeymooners and for those who bring the entire family, the white sand and shallow waters are ideal for children to play in while lifeguards keep a watchful eye. The 24/7 security staff on patrol or stationed at each complex’s gate is its way of providing the best security system for the big-spending tourists as well as foreign dignitaries on a business trip as the Bali Tourism Development Centre is an official venue for international conferences, congresses, meetings, and more.

After visiting Nusa Dua beach, have a romantic dinner on Jimbaran Beach Seafood.  A three-kilometre long array of beachside cafés and a lineup of international restaurants make Jimbaran Bali’s seafood heaven a must-visit gastronomic destination. Two main restaurant clusters dominate this culinary bazaar; the first on Kedonganan-Jimbaran Bay adjacent to Jimbaran fish market and the second on Muaya Beach, one kilometre south (on Four Seasons Road).

There are probably 40 restaurants in both areas, not to mention the hotel-based restaurants and cafés. If you are adventurous with your appetite, this is the only place that can abate your craving for seafood dishes.
Second day, just try to visit Bali Bird Park & Rimba Reptil. Natural condition just like animal park or zoo is being the best romantic place to spend your day with couples. Cute animals will make your couples happy and forgetting their stress.

Then go to see beautiful animal inside the place. The animal is identical with girls, that is butterfly.  Just go to Bali Butterfly Park. The park is natural looking with hundreds and colourfull butterfly are released to flying everyday, and a mong of them are famous species of the world suck as Spectacular Bird Wing Butterfly ( Ornithoptera and Troides) Swallow tails and great mormon( Papilio) .

Until today, Bali is still being  a romantic island in Indonesia. 

6 Favourite Countries For Backpackers

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Going around the world with a low budget or called as Backpacking is no more weird at our ears. If you desire to go on vacation with the same way, let’s visit these 6 countries. Beside the beauty of those countries, the accommodation also has a cheap one.

In fact, travelling is as not cheap as we think. We need enough budget for transportation, resort, dining, and souvenirs. Because of that, right now people choose to go on vacation by backpacking a.k.a only bring a backpack. Backpack is considered as the sign that you will go with a low budget.

From many countries around the world, some of them well known as the backpacker-friendly countries. Either due to the attractions,accommodation, and low cost of living, or even the locals are very friendly. Following are the 6 favourite countries for backpackers.

1. India

India offers unforgettable experiences by the nature and culture. Beautiful peaks of Himalaya, the warmth of sands of the beach, and the coolness of Daarjeling Tea Garden is very contrast if compared to  pollution cities such as Mumbai and Jaipur. But, the locals have a simple life and down to earth, they are very welcoming to all tourists who come to India.

2. Australia

Actually, Australia is not included as a cheap destination for backpackers. But, this country is always full of backpackers from around the world. Why?

Besides it has beautiful and tidy cities, Australia has amazing natures. Just call Ayers Rock in Uluru, Great Barrier Reef, and also eco-lodges which becoming a new trend for environmental friendly accommodations. Eco-Lodges is situated in whole Australia location, starting from Dessert, coast, upto small islands.

Big cities like Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide, and Darwin are located near Coast. The all of them are related by train network. But the favourite transportation for backpackers is rented caravan to pass Great Ocean Road in Victoria. Along the road, you will see beautiful sea of the ocean.

3. Indonesia

Cheap accommodation, beautiful views, millions attractions and culture, and friendly locals make backpackers from around the world love to come to this country. Each tour types can be done here, from beaches tour, mountain, valley, adventure, history, and Museum.

The cost of live in Indonesia, according to foreigners is very cheap. Either the transportation, meals, or souvenirs can be bought with cheap price. Indonesia has also strong magnet from its cultures.

4. Poland  

Who knows that Europe has a destination which is very familiar with Backpackers, yes that is Poland, the right country for backpacking. This country has a long history, can be seen from its buildings, castles, and also the views.

Krakow, as the capital city of Poland is always fulfilled by world backpackers. The beauty of its cities can be compared to other East Europe cities such as Prague, Budapest, and Wien. You will feel live in the middle ages, when Europe was conquering the world.

5. Argentina

As the second big city in South America, Argentina is being a heaven for many backpackers. Argentina is surrounded by beautiful landscape of nature. The eastern sea is ornamented by green forests, and the western is covered by Andes mountains.

One thing that is very fun to be here is the cheap of live cost, from transportation, accommodation, upto meals. And even, you can do hitchhikingin Argentina.

6. Morocco   

As one of North Africa country, Morocco has a strong magnet. Morocco has been fulfilled by beautiful desserts, united with high mountains. But the strongest magnet is from Marrakech, the capital city of Morocco.
Marrakech has predicate as the noisy city in Morocco, but It has romantic side when the sun disappears. At night, all backpackers gather on Marrakech Night Market to enjoy local foods. 

Plan a Trip on Tour Explora

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Plan Your Own Trip on Tour Explora: TourExplora is a revolutionary tool for travellers to design and plan own tours. Explore hotel deals nearby favourite attractions in your tour plan. Share your trips with your friends and follow your favourite travellers.

Ubud Monkey Forest

Rabu, 04 April 2012 1 komentar

Ubud Monkey Forest is a small rain forest dwelt by some group of monkeys and other tropical animals. It is strategically located in the hearth of Ubud Village, precisely located in the region of Padang Tegal Village, Ubud Sub district and Gianyar Regency. Monkey Forests in Balinese language called Wanara Wana are spread out in the island and Ubud Monkey Forest itself own very important function of the continuity the monkey habitat in Bali. Meanwhile the local community own important role to keep this forest naturally in order to all wild animals able to live smoothly.

The monkeys within the Ubud Monkey Forest are commonly called long-tailed macaques. Their scientific name is Macaca fascicuiaris. Macaques are found throughout Southeast Asia and many species of macaques live successfully in areas that are heavily utilized by humans. On Bali, there are Balinese long-tailed macaque troops (populations) that live in areas where they have little to no contact with humans and troops that come into contact with humans on a regular basis. However, despite the fact that many species of macaques thrive in areas that are heavily utilized by humans, there is evidence that the viability of Balinese long-tailed macaques (the ability of macaques to continue to thrive) may be dependent upon the conservation of Bali's forested areas.

Within long-tailed macaque societies, females are typically born into and remain with a single troop for life. In contrast, adult and sub-adult males may migrate between troops (young adult males typically leave their natal troop between the ages of 4 to 8 years). In order for a migrating adult or sub-adult male to be accepted into a new troop, migrating males must align themselves with a troops' females and be accepted by those females. Therefore, long-tailed macaque societies or troops are made up of 'matrilines' ('matri' is a root word that means 'mother').

The presence of sacred forest is a demonstration of the harmonious coexistence of humans and nature. In Bali, sanctuaries such as the Monkey Forest are usually in sacred village areas, often surrounded by temples. These cultural sanctuaries are not only an important part of Balinese heritage, but also an important part of everyday live. Temple festivals are regularly held for the villagers and the gods in such areas.

Goa Gajah (Elephant Cave)

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Goa Gajah or Elephant Cave in English is located in Blah Batuh Sub district and Gianyar Regency. It can be reached about 27km from Denpasar. Goa Gajah was built in the 9th century which was served as a sanctuary. The cave lies just below the level of the main road to Tampaksiring, on the side of the steep ravine of the Petanu river. There is a fine view here, a fitting place to be chosen in ancient days as the site for a hermitage where devotees could admire the beauty of God’s creation.

There is a relief which is almost looking like the form of mountain on the entrance of this cave. It was carved many designed on the relief like grove with the stick, close leaf, animal for example forest pig, tortoise and specters. The cave mouth is decorated by the bas-relief with the eye turn around to the right or west side. There is an article letter of Kediri type from the early of 11 century was written on the wall left side or east side. There is a pool (Patirthaan) as a place to take the holy Tirtha water for Hindu ceremony which is located in the middle of the cave courtyard. This Holy Pool is previously piled up by land and it has been found on 1954 by Krijgsman from the Ancient Department. The Holy pool is equipped by the statue douche which is parallel arranged in two groups.

The temple as a whole represents Mt. Mahameru, the residence of the gods. The meru, the pagoda-like structure, represents the summit of the mountain. The kori agung, the gateway, is the symbol of its form. Its bulk, and Bhoma the symbol of its forest. When we pass through the kori agung, under the mouth of Bhoma, it is as if, on entering a forest, we are between the trunks of great trees. And so at the Goa Gajah the figure of Bhoma indicates that we are entering a place wherein the worshipper comes into the presence of the gods.

Bhoma’s eyes glance to the left or west. In that direction, are the remains of quite extensive brickwork. This may have been an entrance gate, although that would mean that the original entrance path descended from high ground which would be unusual. Or perhaps the old path came from the village to the east and followed the little valley below the restaurant Puri Suling (the famous German painter Walter Spies was the fist to build a house here).

Travelling Tips to Ubud

Selasa, 03 April 2012 0 komentar

Bali has become a top attraction to visit by tourist around the world. This is the most popular island in Indonesia. Which locations do you want to visit if you desire to go to Bali? If the answer is going to beach, try to make another plan. You can go to Ubud, Gianyar.

Don’t be afraid about the distance and accommodations. Since 1930s, Ubud has been becoming tour destination. Transportation, accommodation, and restaurants can be found easily in Ubud. Here are some travelling tips to Ubud.


From Kuta, you can go to Ubud by Shuttle bus. The ticket costed Rp 50.000. Don’t go to Ubud by Taxi, it would be more expensive to reach there. If you want to reach Ubud by car, you can rent a car to be brought to Ubud.

Going Around in Ubud

There is no Taxi in Ubud. There is only local ‘taxi’ that seems like a rental car. You can find it in central Ubud, such as Jalan Monkey Forest or Jalan Raya Ubud.
Along the street you will find people offering their ‘taxi’, but don’t forget to bargain to get the deal. The alternative one is renting a bicycle or motorcycle.
There are 3 centers of the crowd in Ubud, they are Jalan Hanoman, Jalan Monkey Forest, and Jalan Raya Ubud.


The uniqueness of Ubud is having various accommodations even though their price is not different  totally.  Every accommodations offers an unique architecture and different experiences.
For low budget hotel, you can find hotel or homestay along  Jalan Monkey Forest or Jalan Raya Ubud. There are many cheap priced hotels around here.


 Bali’s foods upto Western culinary can be found in Ubud.  A growing up restaurant is Mexican food. You can taste Mexican menu at Nuri’s Taco, Burrito.
For Bali’s foods, you can visit Warung Enak and Warung Murni. For the cheap one of menu, just taste Kedewatan mix rice. And for relaxing, you can visit to cafes or lounge in Ubud.

Ubud Market (Pasar Ubud) becomes one of shopping destination, but you have to be smart in bargaining.  
Another shopping place is Pasar tegallalang. Close to Ubud, you can visit Pasar Seni Sukawati (Art Market).

Things To Do
There are many things you can do in Ubud. In the morning you can do Yoga at Yoga Center or even in Hotel you stay for.

Biking and hiking can be done also in Ubud. Or even, Rafting is a very nice activity.
For you who loves art, can be visiting 5 culturan themed museum. There is also Marketing themed museum, only one in the world. 

At night, you can watch and enjoy Wayang Kulit, Kecak Dance, and Legong Dance. There are many places providing dance shows, such as Pura Dalem and Puri Agung Saren. 

7 Taman Terbaik di Dunia

Senin, 02 April 2012 0 komentar

Kurang lengkap rasanya bila travelling ke suatu negara tanpa mengunjungi taman atau kebun terbaik yang ada di negara tersebut.  Taman bisa kita jadikan tempat beristirahat, menenangkan pikiran, maupun untuk mengabadikan momen terbaik pada saat sedang travelling.
Ada beberapa daftar taman terbaik yang sangat indah di beberapa negara yang wajib untuk kita ketahui dan kunjungi.

1. Versailles Garden

Istana Versailles dari tahun 1682 sampai 1789 merupakan pusat dari kekuatan dan jantung negara Perancis pada rezim tersebut. Puncak kejayaan istana tersebut datang pada saat Raja Louis XIV menjadikan istana ini sebagai rumah permanen dan symbol kekuasaan beliau.
Saat ini, taman Versailles mempunyai luas 1977 hektar  dengan 50 air mancur dan 200.000 pepohonan. Istana dan taman ini sekarang dibuka untuk umum dan menjadi salah satu tujuan wisata terbaik di Perancis. 

2. Giverny

Rumah Claude Monet berikut kebunnya menjadi inspirasi beberapa pelukis terkenal dunia untuk menciptakan maha karya lukisan karya mereka, termasuk karya Claude Monet sendiri. Dahulu Claude Monet melihat ada suatu desa di Giverny saat sedang naik kereta, lalu beliaumemutuskan untuk tinggal di desa tersebut. Kemudian pada tahun 1883, Monet menyewa sebuah rumah beserta sebuah gudang dan 2 hektar tanah. Gudang tersebut beliaupakai sebagai studio melukisnya. Pada tahun 1899, akhirnya Monet mempunyai cukup uang untuk membangun taman cantik yang sudah menjadi impiannya sejak lama. Sejak tahun 1980, taman ini dibuka untuk umum.

3. Central Park New York

Taman ini berlokasi di Manhattan, New York dan mempunyai luas 843 hektar. Ide untuk membangun taman ini tercetus pada pertengahan abad ke-19 saat beberapa masyarakat New York merasa bahwa kota mereka butuh taman umum yang besar dan terbaik. Saat ini Central Park mempunyai tempat untuk ice skating, berjalan-jalan, kebun binatang, konservatorium dan tempat perlindungan hewan liar.   

4. Hyde Park London

Hyde Park adalah taman terbesar di London dan bahkan lebih besar dari taman Kensington yang berada tepat disampingnya.  Kedua taman tersebut merupakan taman kerajaan di London, yang berarti kalau tanah tersebut dimiliki oleh Kerajaan Inggris. Taman ini dibukan untuk umum pada tahun 1637, Charles I yang mengizinkannya. Taman ini dibuka dari jam 5 pagi sampai tengah malam.

5. Huntington Botanical Garden

Henry E. Huntington mengabdikan dirinya di industri rel kereta api. Saat beliau meninggal, rumahnya yang berada di San Marino dijadikan perpustakaan dan kebun raya. Taman ini mempunyai luas 120 hektar dan memiliki banyak koleksi cycad. Ada lebih dari selusin tema di taman ini, semuanya memiliki ratusan jenis tanaman langka dari seluruh dunia.

6. Beihai Park

Beihai Park terletak di area Xicheng dan mempunyai sejarah lebih dari 1000 tahun yang lalu. Taman ini dibangun pada era 5 dinasti Cina, yaitu dinasti Liao, Jin, Yuan, Ming dan Qing. Taman ini mempunya luas 69 Hektar, setengahnya ditutupi oleh air. Taman ini bisa dibagi kedalam empat area pemandangan : Pulau Qionghua, Kota Lingkaran, area bank sebelah timur dan area bank sebelah utara.

7. Bosque de Chapultepec Park Mexico

Bosque de Chapultepec Park bukan hanya sebagai taman kota biasa. Taman ini mencakup area yang sangat luas yang dihiasi dengan kebun binatang,hutan,area pejalan kaki, danau, air mancur, goa, lapangan olahraga, teater, dan beberapa museum. Hutan disini sudah sangat tua, dimana taman ini dianggap sebagai tempat suci oleh suku Aztec dan masyarakat lokal yang tinggal disini. 

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